Thursday, November 8, 2007

when your baby isn't "perfect"...

So many societal attitudes are wrapped up in the idea of the "perfect" baby, and OF COURSE, society tells us, it is understandable that any baby that is "less than perfect" SHOULD be done away with.

Have you ever stopped to think about the messages of perfection we are steeped in everyday?

1) Perfection is attainable and YOU can have it, with enough money of course. You can have the perfect car, house, education, job, looks, and body, and all at the same time.

2) Children can be perfect: cute, smart, athletic, successful, respectful, and hard working.

3) Families can perfect: as a bumper sticker I once saw said, "We are in love and having fun!" Marriage optional, fulfillment possible and sought after as many times as necessary with new partners.

4) Holidays can be perfect: more splendid, more indulgent, more sentimental, more amusing, more, more, more! And all with perfect organization and stress-free, at least somehow, if you can just figure that part out!

What a bunch of crock! Do you know anyone like that? Of course not--it's all just a flattering lie! Jesus and Mary were perfect, and just how well would they fit into the materialistic model of perfection we hear about? What a ridiculous rat race to be trapped in!

The beauty of Lucy is she is living a world apart from those distortions. She accepts herself, and doesn't focus on herself at all. She lives in the present moment with a zest for life. She loves with warmth and all her heart. She is a living witness to the utter shallowness of the materialistic lies. And that is why our very "tolerant" society is murderously intolerant of others like her in the womb.