Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"Bless us, Oh Lord"

I went to the commissary today in preparation for Thanksgiving. The aisles were crowded--within 45 minutes of my arrival every available grocery cart was in use. Lucy sat in the cart seat and was fairly cooperative. She DID kick her crocs off in the first 5 minutes, but I simply plopped them in the cart and sent up a prayer of thanks they didn't come off somewhere else, unnoticed. Lucy DID also contribute a few items to the cart, but I removed them before we paid for them (a large bottle of soy sauce and some chocolate cookie cereal). I had the pleasure of meeting a nice lady who introduced herself and has an 8 year old daughter with Ds, and many others greeted Lucy. It was finally time to unload the cart and I got all the cold stuff on the belt and was reaching for the cereal when I heard Lucy recite the Sign of the Cross in a loud voice from her seat. Surprised, I stopped and looked up to see her bow her head, while mumbling inaudibly, then again cross herself loudly and valiantly attempt to rip open a large bag of peanut butter filled m&m's!