Her feastday is not until November 13, but I must take this time to testify to the special affection I feel for Mother Cabrini. Please take a few minutes to read about her remarkable life--there are many short bios about her on the internet.
My first connection with Mother Cabrini occurred when we were living in Denver during the 1980's and visited her shrine west of Denver. I remember climbing the hillside of her outdoor shrine, and seeing the white rocks she herself had arranged into the shape of a heart in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (these rocks are now under plexiglass for protection). Many years passed before I thought of Mother Cabrini again. It was January of 2002, and I had just discovered I was expecting a baby at the age of 45. My next youngest child was 10, and I was excited and more than a little shocked and worried. A couple days later, I decided to clean out some boxes of old correspondence and found a letter dated 1993 from a priest friend of mine who had died several years earlier. I had forgotten that Fr. Griese had ever written me and opened his note with curiosity. It read: Dear Betty, I am sorry to hear of your recent miscarriage. If and when you get pregnant again, entrust the pregnancy to St. Frances X. Cabrini. I enclose 2 holy cards, one for you and Bill. I have great confidence in her intercession, and I will join you in your prayers.
I felt a chill when I realized that this was my first pregnancy since that miscarriage, and that somehow the note came into my hands within days of finding out. Needless to say, my husband and I prayed to her earnestly through the pregnancy and beyond. I know in my heart that I owe so much to this dear saint. Get to know her, you'll love her too!