Also at the fair, we decided to let Lucy try her hand at a game of chance. She had to throw a ball into a basket to win a prize. She missed her first throw, so the fellow manning the booth had her stand on the counter. Missed the second, so he had her stand on his stool. Missed the third, so he had her throw again. Finally she made it (to happy cheers), and he let her choose her prize amongst all his offerings! She chose the cow (a nod to Chick-fila?). When I thanked him for his kindness to Lucy, he would have none of it and insisted that she's the one who made his whole evening! God bless him!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
A stranger's kindness
Also at the fair, we decided to let Lucy try her hand at a game of chance. She had to throw a ball into a basket to win a prize. She missed her first throw, so the fellow manning the booth had her stand on the counter. Missed the second, so he had her stand on his stool. Missed the third, so he had her throw again. Finally she made it (to happy cheers), and he let her choose her prize amongst all his offerings! She chose the cow (a nod to Chick-fila?). When I thanked him for his kindness to Lucy, he would have none of it and insisted that she's the one who made his whole evening! God bless him!